See the questions and answers we prepared for you.
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contact us, we are gladly at your disposal.

The expert answers
Dogs and cats have special nutritional needs requiring specific attention depending on the breed, size, environmental conditions, and growth process. In this section, our expert is going to clear out any doubts and satisfy all your curiosities.
- What foods should I avoid offering my dog?
- How much food should I give?
- What are the analytical components?
- Why are there additives?
- What is meant by dehydrated / processed animal proteins?
- What is meant by Meat and derivatives?
- How do I know the ingredients list of a food?
- What does complementary food mean?
- What does Complete food for dogs / cats mean?
- What do I find indicated on petfood packages?

Cat curiosity
- Why does the cat walk on fingertips?
- Why does the cat scratch the trunks of the plants and gnaw at their leaves?
- Why does the cat drink dirty water in containers or from puddles?
- Why is the cat attracted to people or animals who do not consider or love it?
- Why after sniffing an object usually the cat opens its mouth wide?
- Why is the cat attracted to wood but in particular by olive tree?
- Why is the cat running wild in the room?
- Why does the cat clap its teeth when it sees a sparrow outside the house?

First Aid
Did your dog or cat hurt their paw? Did it eat your sock? Did it lose all their hair? If you do not know how to behave on this and other occasions, here a series of valuable information that can prove really useful waiting to see the veterinarian. The fundamental rule, in fact, is to contact the veterinarian immediately, possibly the one you trust (for this purpose keep his number available by entering it in the phone book), because he/she knows your dog or your cat. Clearly and synthetically explain what happened, and the state of the animal. Follow his/her directions. The intervention of the veterinarian should always be considered necessary because even small problems could represent the initial symptoms of more complex diseases or degenerate if not properly treated. Here are some behavioural tips for the most common cases to follow, assuming you can't quickly interact with a veterinarian. Always keep in mind that an injured or sick dog or cat should always be treated gently and should not be scolded or bothered.
- How to practice artificial respiration and cardiac massage?
- How to feel the heartbeat?
- How to feel the pulse-rate?
- How to assess breathing?
- When should internal bleeding be suspected?
- How to transport an injured animal?
- What to do in the event of a traffic accident?
- What to do in the event of a prolapse?
- What to do in case of the presence of a foreign body?
- What to do in case of ingestion of a foreign body?
- What to do in the event of an electrocution?
- What to do in the event of a snake bite?
- What to do in the event of drowning?
- What to do in the event of freezing?
- What to do in the event of a heat stroke?
- What to do in case of seizures?
- How to treat burns and scalds?
- What to do in case of contact with toxic substances?
- What to do in case of toxic substance ingestion?
- What to do in the event of poisoning?
- What to do in the event of an insect bite?
- What to do in the event of a bite wound?
- How to treat a cut?
- What to do in case of a fracture?
- How to behave in case of an open fractures?
- How to diagnose a fracture?
- How do you stop the animal from biting the bandage?
- How to bandage an eye?
- How to bandage a thigh or buttocks?
- How to bandage the limbs?
- How to perform a one-legged bandage?
- What to do in case of mouth bleeding?
- What to do in case of ear bleeding?
- How to remove a foreign body from the ears?
- How to remove a foreign body from the mouth?
- How to remove a foreign body from the legs?
- How to measure fever in dogs and cats?
- How to give an intramuscular injection?
- How to give a subcutaneous injection?
- How to make an animal swallow the pill?
- How to administer a syrup?
- How is the blood collection?
- How to store stool for testing?
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